Revisiting the #genuary "Shadows" prompt still with too much complexity in the process.
An attempt at representing brightness by density of vertices, and translating the result back to a 3D mesh. Lighting is based on ThreeJS diffuse shading with a directional light, I haven't actually got real shadows to work in it.
This pen doesn't photograph well with my lighting setup, had to turn the saturation down a bit to avoid the reddish reflectance.
Pens: "Q-Connect" black ballpoint pen
Paper: Recycled white cartridge paper
Size: 100×100mm
Time: c. 10 minutes per plot
#penplotter #plotterart #generativeart #terrain #threejs #delaunay #triangulation #tesselation #triangles #shadows #lighting #rendering #isometric #landscape #linedrawing
1 year ago