Always Plotting Something…

Jan 5, 2023

"Debug View", or all of time and space at once.

A 3D visualisation of steps taken by a previously improvised algorithm to generate random snake paths for a perfect loop animation. I think, anyway - this does not actually help that much with debugging.

Each slice is one of the 25 frames, and each point is a cell in the grid. In every step the algorithm chooses a random direction to move in, and blocks its current position in all frames it will be visible in (red dots). If it reaches the maximum length or gets stuck after reaching the minimum length, the path is committed (green dots). If it gets stuck before then, the path is discarded and restarted from another random starting frame and position. Second slide is the corresponding 25 frame loop

#genuary2023 #genuary5 #threejs #algorithm #explainer #visualisation

1 year ago