Always Plotting Something…

Jan 20, 2024

Flocking (genuary day 19)

This was fun to play with, trying to replicate an algorithm for emergent behaviour based on the descriptions in the Boids paper[1]. Bird-like agents evaluate other agents close to them and adjust their acceleration to follow three main behaviours: avoid collisions, match direction and speed to others nearby, and move towards the center of the flock. So much more that could be done with this but even this basic simulation is quite satisfying to watch.

Diamine sunshine yellow (and a bit of red at the start) fountain pen ink pen plotter drawing on white Bristol paper. 297×210 mm. 20 minutes drawing time.

#penplotter #penplotterart #boids #simulation #inkdrawing #genuary #genuary2024 #genuary19

[1] Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model, Craig W. Reynolds, ACM SIGGRAPH 1987

5 months ago