Always Plotting Something…

Jan 22, 2024

Use a library you haven't used before (genuary day 21)

I used the tactile-js library which computes isohedral periodic tilings of the plane, given your own edges for the proto tile (in my case randomly adding 3 points, preserving symmetry rules). Never quite got the hang of tilings -- hence no "inspired by islamic art" genuary post -- and this is still not quite what I wanted for that but may come in useful some day as you can do a lot with more carefully designed tiles. Maybe I could put fill patterns in them too, not just draw the edges.

Gelly Roll moonlight + metallic pens on Fabriano Black Black card; 100x100 mm.

#penplotter #penplotterart #blackpaper #genuary #genuary2024 #genuary21 #newlibrary #tiles #tactilejs

4 months ago